Meet the Rittman Academy Board of Directors

L-R John Yannayon, Marti Scaggs, Cindy Mann, Shawn Vale, Butch Ullman

John Yannayon, Bd. President
Retired Businessman
John graduated from Cloverleaf High School. Upon graduation he attended both Ohio State University and The University of Akron. After college, John began a 40 plus year career at the Morton Salt Company in Rittman. John retired in 2010 from Morton Salt.
John has lived in Rittman with his wife Kathy for the last 46 years. He has 2 sons that both graduated from Rittman Schools. He is the proud grandfather of 4 grandchildren with another one on the way.
John believes his work on the Rittman Academy Board is important because the school gives students another chance to achieve their high school diploma.

Shawn Vale
Estimator at Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co., LLC (1998-Present)
Shawn graduated from Avon High School in Lorain County and has been an Ohio resident for his entire life. Upon graduation he attended the University of Cincinnati. After college Shawn began a career with Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co. in Akron, Ohio and still works there presently. Shawn has lived in Rittman since 2003 with his wife of 24 years and 2 children. Both children graduated from Rittman High School (2017 and 2020). Shawn coached Varsity girls soccer at Rittman from 2013-2022. Shawn has joined the board to help further a student’s ability to obtain a high school diploma and become a part of our great Rittman community.

Orville “Butch” Ullman
Retired Superintendant
Butch attended Rittman schools and received his High School diploma from Rittman High School in 1969. During high school, he participated in many athletic and academic programs. Butch attended the University of Akron and participated in varsity football, earning two varsity letters.
After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in education, he taught mathematics in the Canton Local school system. After earning his Master’s degree, he worked in the Brown Local school system as athletic director/assistant principal and later high school principal. Butch returned to Rittman in 1989 and worked on the administrative team until retiring as superintendent in 2007. In retirement, Butch was the superintendent of the Rittman Academy until 2015.
He currently resides in Rittman with wife Susan. He has three adult children, Aaron and Kathy who live in Arizona and Joshua who lives in Doylestown. Butch enjoys being around his six grandchildren.

Martha “Marti” Scaggs
Marty attended Rittman schools and graduated in 1967. She was employed by the Wayne County Public Library, Rittman Branch, for 27 years. She was the manager of the Rittman Library for the last 12 years. Marty retired from the Library in 2018 but still volunteers with their many programs.
Marty has been married to Ray for 49 years. They have two children who attended and graduated from the Rittman Schools. Linda lives in Wooster and David lives in Rittman.
Martha is a great addition to the Rittman Academy Board of Directors due to her interest and involvement in the education of children and her support of the community of Rittman.

Cindy Mann
New board member.